Friday, May 23, 2008

Justice, Sort of

An update on a story from last year concerning an absolutely terrible tragedy. A young girl who defended herself from her abusive chromosome provider (Ballista refuses to humanize the slime by writing 'father') has been given probation. According to her lawyer, the District Attorney's office has also offered to expunge her record if she behaves during her supervised treatment at a youth facility. This is probably the best outcome given the circumstances. Of course, as Ballista originally noted, the best outcome would for the abuse to never have happened or neighbors calling authorities at some point (they never did).

In fact, Ballista lambasted the neighbors for their indifference. Ballista still thinks that's warranted, but Ballista has had a new thought on the matter. This new perspective was spurred by the raid on the polygamist compound in Texas. Ballista believes parents should be left to raise their children as they see fit, to a degree. Thus, it is somewhat understandable that the girl's neighbors where hesitant to interfere in another family's business. But, again as stated before, there is little excuse when you admit to hearing screaming and cries for help. Good parents will understand if the police come to their door after receiving a report of screaming children. Ballista hates giving the state a role in the family, but sometimes - especially in cases of abuse - the state has a necessary function. Don't be afraid to be responsible/vigilant neighbors, citizens, and humans, folks. It's what civilization is all about.

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