Monday, November 12, 2007

Recoil... Reload

After a lengthy self-imposed exile (and healthy self-flagellation over the very bad Larry Craig post below), Ballista is back with a renewed sense of purpose. The aim is thus: to cover and comment on all those developments and happenstance that make our world a not-too-friendly place. It is sort of like what Machiavelli said [paraphrasing], "Most want to show you the way to Heaven. I'd rather show you how to avoid Hell." So, look out bad guys of the world, and all those who obstruct the progress of liberty, development, and security, you are in Ballista's cross hairs from now on!

(Don't worry, dear reader, the sarcastic and darkly humorous musings about life and life's annoyances will still sporadically appear.)

To start off, this unnerving treat from the UK's Daily Maily. Ballista remembers reading almost a decade ago about the Navy's concern over ultra-quiet diesel boats being developed by the Russians and Chinese. Now those subs are popping up right in the middle of US carrier battle groups during exercises. If Hollywood is interested in making a film that alerts the public to the threats of the age (and
unlike their current films, might get people in the theater) they should consider a story line around an event like this. Consider it an update of an old classic.

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