I want a phaser. Not just because Ballista is a Trekkie who has seen all 10 movies and every episode of TOS, TNG, and DS9 repeatedly. (I just lost a lot of respect, didn't I?) Anyway, Ballista wants a phaser (one with just a stun setting to be precise) because it would resolve many of the problems of the gun debate, particularly in the US.
The pro-gun argument is that everyone has the fundamental right to defend/preserve their life; and guns provide the best defense against an attacker. As the marketing guru said "God made men. Samuel Colt made men equal." They also argue that firearms prevent the state from becoming too powerful/authoritarian/tyrannical. (Granted, probably less of a threat today in the USA than in 1789, but who knows?)
The anti-gun side argues that firearms enable and promote violence, both premeditated and in the passion of the moment. The victims of gun violence, the claim, are mostly and regrettably innocent civilians - often minorities.
That's the debate in a nutshell.
How would phasers help, you ask? First the problem with guns is that they kill people. Obviously. But you don't need to kill an attacker to defend yourself - you merely need to disable them or render useless their ability to attack you. Witness karate or pepper spray. However, against an armed attacker, neither may be possible/practical. You pretty much need to counter a high velocity, intermediate-to-long range weapon (i.e., a hand gun or rifle) with another similar weapon. Like it or not, guns are simply the most efficient weapon we currently have for personal defense. Alternatively, a phaser could disable an attacker, armed or not, without killing them. For the pro-gun side, this removes the guilt or remorse for taking a life, even if said life was a would-be rapist or murderer. Also, this prevents civil wrongful death lawsuits*. For both pro- and anti-gun sides, no more stray bullets killing kids, minorities, grandmothers, and other innocents.
Phasers also solve the dilemma of guns on airplanes. Terrorists (or annoying passengers) storming the cockpit? Stun the son of a
What about Tasers, you ask? Not good enough. They work only at very close range and/or are a one shot deal. Conversely, my phaser would be able to shoot a disabling bolt of energy at approximately the same rate and over the same distance as today's handguns. Worse thing that happens is that you** miss Mr. Bad Guy with a stun blast and Granny takes a little nap.
So, there it is. Ballista wants a phaser.
BTW - since the holiday season is approaching, and because we don't have functional pulse energy weapons, yet, you can bid on one of these beauties for your favorite ballistic blogger:
Via Gizmodo: Autographed Star Trek phasers, communicators to go on sale next week
*Ballista was once told by someone I consider an expert on the topic that if you have to use your gun in self-defense, expect to be sued.
**We all know that Ballista is always on target.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Set Phasers to...
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