Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bear Watch

Do you think Putin and Medvedev listened to the "Sabre Dance" whilst they played musical chairs at the Kremlin?

Oh, and just for fun, they've starting having full scale military parades in Red Square again. Here's a picture...

Indeed, that is the Hammer & Sickle in the background. The "claim" is that the insignia was only there because the parade was part of the celebration of the anniversary of Victory in Europe. Sure, right, and what did the end of WWII usher in... The Cold War. Today, toast VE day, tomorrow engage in strategic maneuvers against the West.

Bonus, YouTube clips of the parade, apparently from Chinese television. How appropriate since China is also an authoritarian state building up its military. Wonder if Putin and Hu Jintao have a bet on who brings down the US first?

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